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My name is Mason Shelton, and I am the Associate Pastor of Administration and Discipleship. One of my main functions at FBC Mayfield is to oversee our small group discipleship program. It is our conviction that we must constantly be growing as a church body in the knowledge of and love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and our small groups exist to do just that. Join a group if you haven't already!

About our Small Groups

You may hear them called small groups or Sunday School classes—to us, they're the same thing. Since we currently do not have a church campus, many of our groups meet in homes and businesses around Mayfield. In some ways, these more intimate environments have drawn our groups closer together. While you may find certain groups that share a similar demographic, we believe that there is much to be gained with intergenerational groups.


Are you plugged into a small group? If not, fill out this contact form (CLICK HERE), and I'd love to get you into one!




Call or Text: (270) 953-0291


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