Give To
We partner with missions organizations to give to those already engaged in gospel ministry. We support the cooperative program, which provides funds to the International Mission Board (IMB) for missions abroad and the North American Mission Board (NAMB) for domestic missions, among other entities.

For the past decade, we have sent annual mission teams to partner with Live Love Ministries—a Christian organization that works among the Native American population in Arizona. We also go on short-term mission trips through the International Mission Board (IMB) to Europe and the Middle East, in addition to taking trips to train pastors in foreign lands.

The Scriptures teach that a healthy church will disciple believers and send them out to the mission field. We have established a pipeline to get those those called by God to the mission field to that field they have been sent. Along with the pipeline, we support missions to refugees that land in the United States through our partnership with the Diaspora Missions Collective.

care for
We see ourselves as "holding the rope" for those repelling into gospel ministry. It is our desire that those laborers are cared for and prayed for as they do their work. We partner with the Kentucky Baptist Convention to care for missionaries and to develop strategies for state mission efforts. FBC Mayfield has a very active Women's Missionary Union Chapter (WMU).