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Are you new to FBC Mayfield?

Here's a bit about what to expect.

Image by Tim Meyer

Where to Park

When using the front/main entrance of Graves County High School, the large parking area to the left, just past the stadium, provides easy access to the Performing Arts Center where we meet. Once parked, you’ll likely notice others making their way to the corner entrance.  Our greeters will be excited to welcome you and provide you with any necessary information.  

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Where to Bring Kids

Once you walk in to the main doors, you'll be greeted by our welcome team. Tell them you're a guest, and they'll point you in the right direction. You can drop your pre-K aged kids off in the nursery before you walk into the auditorium. Your older kids will be with you in the main service until they are dismissed for children's worship right before the sermon.


How to Connect

Be sure to fill out a connection card and let us know you are a guest! Already know you'll be there Sunday? Let us know by filling out the form below. We'll be watching out for you!

Why join our church family?

Great Question. Simple answer—because we love Jesus. We gather on Sundays to worship the Lord in song and to hear from God through the preaching of his Word. We take seriously God's calling on us as Christians to love one another. Are we perfect? Absolutely not. But, we follow one who is, Jesus Christ. We want you to know and follow him, too. 

We'll Save You A Seat

Let us know you're coming so we can keep an eye out for you.

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Us

Campus Address:

118 W South Street

Mayfield, KY 42066


Phone: (270) 247-2992


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Sunday Morning Worship Address:

Graves County High School

Performing Arts Center

1220 Eagles Way

Mayfield, KY 42066

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